Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Acute Shortage at Madurai Division, Letter from Regional secretary to The PMG(SR)

P3 / Org / 10 / Madurai                 Date : 27.11.2012

The Post Master General,
Southern Region,
Madurai-625 002

Sub : Acute shortage of Staff in Madurai Division – Request redeployment of Staff deputation at Regional Office, Madurai. 
This is regarding shortage of staff prevailing at Madurai Division. This is due to vacancies caused by retirement / death / VR etc., every months besides continuous deputation of Madurai staff at Regional Office. The staff shortage problems at Madurai increases every day. Every day on an average 10 PAS have to be deputed for training etc. Hence the staff find it very difficult to avail leave etc even at very crucial times. 

Total staff strength of Madurai Division
(including LSG / PAs etc) (CLERICAL ONLY)             526
Available staff                                                               440
LSG Vacant Post                                            9
PAs on deputation at RO                           22
PTC                                                                1
MMS                                                              1
Under Rule 38 Transfer                                  2
DSM                                                               9
MEs                                                                2
BPC                                                                1                  38

          Out of 440 available strength 26 are on deputation including 24 at Regional Office. Within strength of 402 leave arrangement have to be made besides deputation to training everyday. Hence the staff at Madurai experiences lot of difficulties in availing leave etc and also discharging duties especially in project arrow offices.
          Recently the Director has issued orders not to employ PAs put in less then  5 years service in Divisional Office accordingly all PAs with less then 5 years service have been taken out from Divisional Office. But at the same time PAs with less than 5 years service are employed in Regional Office, Madurai. This is in contravention of instructions issued by the same DPS.
          Kindly consider above points and orders may please be issued for early redeployment of staff of Madurai Division to Madurai Division from Regional Office.
Thanking you,
                                                                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                                                             Regional Secretary

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