உங்கள் TA BILL எப்படி PASS ஆகிறது ? SR 164 இன் படியா ? இல்லையா ?
PTC , MYSORE இன் கடித நகலை கீழே பார்க்கவும் .
Sl. No.
All IndiaPostal EmployeesUnion, Group ‘C’.
1. Filling up the Posts of APM Accounts & Promotional avenue to Accounts line officials.
The APM Accounts Posts in LSG & HSG.II have been filled up among the PO & RMS Accountant’s qualified officials as per Selection Grade Recruitment Rules 1976. The PO & RMS Accountant’s seniority list has been drafdted as per the date of qualifying the Accountant’s exam and the same is considered for LSG promotion under Accounts line. The statutory Recruitment Rules of 1976 and the Rules 276 & 277 of volume IV dealing these issues remain unchanged.
While clarifying the postings after the introduction of FTP exam vide department letter No.137/10/96-SPB.II dated 28.1.2003, it was mentioned that the officials promoted to LSG either on general line or FTP having Accounts qualifi8cation may be considered for APM Accounts post. This has created a bundle of contradictions and the separate line of promotion to LSG APM Accounts has been disturbed and not carried out thereafter.
(i) Now in many Circles, against to the spirit of the recruitment rules 1976 and also volume IV statutory rules, unqualified officials have been posted as APM Accounts in HSG.II cadre and thus defeated the very purpose of existence of such qualified posts.
(ii) The CAT Chennai in OA No.201/2006 in case of Sri P. Ramadoss Vs the CPMG Tamil nadu held that the separate identity of APM Accounts cadre and directed to conduct the DPC for Accounts line without any procrastination based on the Recruitment Rules dated 13.9.1976 and issue necessary promotion orders to the eligible PO & RMS Accounts line officials within a period of four weeks.
(iii) The following may please be considered to overcome the present injustice caused to the cadre:
(i) The year of qualifying the PO & RMS Accountant exam should be the yardstick for promotion to LSG APM Accounts. It cannot be modified without amending the rules contained in Volume-IV. |
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